Advanced Process Improvement

The world's premier resource for continuous quality process improvement.

About Us

Welcome to the Advanced Process Improvement website.  You have just begun your journey to unsurpassed business performance through continuous improvement.  Congratulations!  Please let us know your priority issues so we can give you the opportunity to see just how good your organization can be.  The results will delight you.

We specialize in:


Quality Strategy Planning


Advanced Process Improvement is the best provider of process improvement training, facilitating and consulting services that drive world class performance through our client’s business processes.

You can reach us at +1.772.349.6886. We are looking forward to hearing from you. You can also contact us at our e-mail address:

If you are not familiar with our company and your first contact with us is online: We would be pleased to hear from you! Please let us know what your needs and questions are, we will be more than happy to help.


What we do …


We help you make healthier processes and manage them better. Your processes are what your customers pay you to do, so they should always be the best they can be.

First, we hold planning discussions to ensure a good fit and to set the stage for success. We determine the best way to support you based on your assessment of organization culture. We help you tailor an approach that will fill your needs while optimizing benefits and long-term sustainability.

We train and facilitate your teams, and train and coach your leaders for visible results and build a process for continuous improvement. During our work, we periodically check your implementation to ensure success.

Part of our Action Plan is always a system for follow-up. We work with you to monitor your process gains and see that management understands accountability for future improvements.

How to Become World Class:


Detailed Components of the Enterprise TQM/LSS System:

Executive Policy Management
Business Plan
  • Vision
  • Values & Principles
  • Mission
  • Measurement System
    • Scorecard Design
Strategic Plan
  • Corporate Goals
  • Business Strategies
  • Key Focus Areas
  • Training Plan
Project Selection and Management
  • Strategic Linkage
  • SWOT Analysis
    • Link to Business and Environmental Assessments
  • Project Planning
  • Projects Hopper
Resource Deployment
Management Review System
  • Management Review Process
  • Communication Process
  • Checking Items
  • Tollgate Review Process
  • Rewards and Recognition System
Sustaining Results
  • Business and Environmental Assessments
  • Control Plans
  • Rejuvenation Projections
 Process Management
Priority Processes
  • Link to Strategic Plan
  • Value Stream Mapping
Kaizen Event Process
  • A3 Storyboards
Process Management Control System
Visual Management, 5S
Process Audit Structure
  • Link to ISO
Problem Solving
Problem Identification
  • Link to Strategic Plan
  • Prioritization
Team Sponsor and Charter
DMAIIC Process
  • Standard Tools and Templates
  • A3 Storyboards
Tollgate Preparation Process


New Product/Process Design
Quality Function Deployment
Product/Service Life Cycle Plan
DMEDVI Process
Lean Processes
  • Business Simplification
  • Push to Pull Materials Conversion
  • Lean Cellular Production
Creative Thinking/Brainstorming
Production Planning Process




Our clients include…Verifying-the-as-is

  • U.S. Postal Service
  • CSX Transportation
  • GE Capital
  • BNSF Corporation
  • Pratt & Whitney
  • Cigna Health Care
  • Union Fidelity Life
  • Union Electric Corp
  • York International
  • Humana
  • Microsoft
  • Control Center LLC
  • IBM Global Systems
  • JEA
  • Intuit
  • Samsung
  • Coca-Cola
  • Xerox
  • ADP, Inc.
  • Owens Corning
  • National City Bank
  • ING Group
  • Tata Chemical Ltd.
  • Saudi Electric Co.
  • BlueCross BlueShield





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